Beyond the Tanhauser' Gate - a fragment
In this world, where antennae and sodium lights dim the midnight sky, where rain pours down the vast canyons built of steel and glass, where people run like ants, we exist. There is a precious few of us; disregarded, unwanted, almost disembodied, we live covered in plastic sheets of provisional raincoats. You don’t see us; you may pass us on the street a thousand times, look into our faces and forget it the next instant. We all look the same for you, somebody once said; you, on the other hand, you all look the same to us. How can you think you are any different one from another, boast about variety of hair colours and eye shades while you don’t see the difference between the Corean and the Japanese? They don’t look remotely alike. At least not to us. To us, it’s you who all look the same. You despise us for invading your precious countries, claiming the jobs none of you wanted to take, even the Eastern Europeans whom you seem to despise only a bit less than us. You seem always to hate...