
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2017

28/02/2017, NW6

- Are you ready? - asked the wolf. - No. You are never ready for this kind of things - answered The Fairy. - But it is time. It has to be done. The wolf looked at her with strange glint in his eyes. - What? - spat The Fairy. - This is exactly the kind of thinking that got you in trouble all those other times. "It is time. It has to be done". So you put your armour on, flew the banners high and marched to battle, only to learn with the bitter dissapointment that nobody liked to be assaulted because you thought that it was time and something had to be done. She shook her head. - But it is time - she said. - Something has to be done. You can feel it, can't you? - Yes - answered the wolf, and his eyes started to gleam with deep amusement. - It's time. Let it happen. - What? - Sit down on your ass and let it happen, princess. - But... - Sit the fuck down and don't bloody move! The Third Fairy sagged under the fig tree. - Can't you just wait? - he asked...
for my tribe, who healed it - As you can see on this photo, it was broken, and then it didn't heal properly. The fracture wasn't clean, so the fragments dislocated and stuck to the other fragments.  - Looks like a terrible mess to me.  - Well, I have seen worse but I must say this one is pretty spectacular. It looks like the original fracture never healed properly, so you kept splintering it every time you used it. You didn't feel it was broken? It didn't hurt?  - It did. Well, it does. All the time. Th at's why I came to see you. How do you mend it? - Well, you actually break it again, very carefully, reset it, put a sort of scaffolding around it and let it heal properly. But you cannot use it until it heals. - How long does it take to heal? - It depends. Usually it never does, so you rely on the scaffolding for the rest of your life. It's there to hold the pieces together, and to insulate from the thousand natural shocks. But then, in your condition, if...