Another story (the one with the crown)
- Do I really want to wear it? - asked the Fairy. She held the crown in her hands. It was beautiful: made of white gold that branched out from the thin band in the base into intricate leaves and flowers made of diamonds and emeralds. - It is certainly very pretty and will suit you - said the Wolf. The Fairy smiled; the smile was somewhat thin and laboured, and looked more like another scar across her face. She sighed. - It is also very heavy - she said. - Well, it is yours - said the Wolf. - You earned it. You worked hard for it, and now you can wear it. The Fairy put the crown back on its red velvet cushion. She traced the leaves with her finger; there was a little dragon hidden between them, its eyes made of tiny rubies. For a moment there she thought she felt it move under her touch, little wings waiting to expand. - I don't want it - she said. - Why? - Because it is so beautiful, and so heavy at the same time. Because there always will be the weight of it on my head; I...