The Witch, The Monster, and the Warrior

The Monster awoke in his lair. He smelled something, or rather he sensed something which could be both smell and a flash of light, penetrating through his closed eyelids.
The Witch was lonely, and miserable, and cried into the mesh of Realities for help. She had a pure heart, a brave soul and a clear mind. People like her shone brightly in between the worlds; they were like beacons attracting all kinds of spirits.
‘I want to devour this pure heart, and feast on that brave soul, and pollute this clear mind’, thought the Monster. So he disguised himself as a good and sympathetic man, and approached her. It was easy for him to pretend he was everything she cried into the mesh of Realities for. Before long she trusted him.
He made his feast long and enjoyable. She gave him her heart freely, along with her body, and he smiled and licked his fingers when he finished. Then he asked for more, and took to infusing her mind with his poison. But it was the soul he was the most interested in, so he sat back, relaxed and waited, because no person without heart and with blackened mind could remain brave forever.
But the Witch took refuge in the presence of the Warrior, who was no good nor sympathetic but harsh and sharp as a blade. With ground teeth, the Warrior cleansed her mind, and then on the outstretched hand he gave her something that shone like a diamond.
‘This is the heart you gave me to keep for you, long time ago’ he said.
‘I didn’t,’ she said. ‘I would have known, if I had given it away.’
‘It is yours’ he answered. ‘Take it, because no entity can live without the heart.’
‘But you will become heartless, then.’
The Warrior smiled.
‘No, I won’t’ he said. ‘I will find yours, in time, and it will be mine.’
‘What use for you of the heart that was devoured by the Monster?’ asked the Witch.
‘I am the Warrior’ he answered. ‘And if the need arise, I’ll cut it out of whatever monsters that hide it inside of them.’
‘And if you do it, will you give it back to me, so I can give you back yours?’ she asked.
‘No’ he smiled. ‘That’s not the way it works.’
Poznań, 14012011


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