Another story (the one with the heart)

She took a deep breath and threw the copper container into the deep, dark sea of oil. 
It sunk without leaving a mark.
- No! - yelled the Wolf and sprang to the shore. - No! Why did you do that? It had your heart inside! - The wolf was running along the shore, almost tripping over his paws. - You will never get it back from here! Never! 
- Exactly for that reason - said the Third Fairy. - It was ugly and disgusting anyway. 
- No it wasn’t… - whispered the Wolf, but she didn’t hear him.
- I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t. People already believe I don’t have a heart, so why prove them wrong? And it was weak, it was disgusting, it was silly, embarrassing, and ridiculous.
- No it wasn’t…
- And how can you know? Have you ever had it? Has it ever made you feel so absolutely ravaged by feelings you couldn’t control, so absolutely naked and exposed, and on the mercy of someone else? Have you ever been told that you should be ashamed of having it, and that you should hide it because it makes people you show it to uncomfortable? Have you ever been told that it was not enough, and would never be enough because it was old, and used? - She gasped for breath, and then sank to her knees and started to sob. 
The Wolf came close to her and put his nose on her chin. She grabbed him by the neck and buried her face in his fur.
- You are wrong - said the Wolf softly. 
- Just don’t bloody start - she barked. - I don’t need any of those talks people give you in such situations. Believe you are beautiful, love yourself, all that bullshit they give you when they don’t really give a flying fuck about how you really feel and want you to get off their faces asap, because they are bored and tired with you.
-Well - said the Wolf. - I have no idea what people say in such situations, because if you haven’t noticed before, I am a wolf. But you are beautiful. And I love you.
- Yeah, but you are practically the other half of me.
- So it should count for self-love, shouldn’t it? Where the hell all this bullshit comes from, anyway?
She laughed, weakly, and then straightened up and wiped her face with her hands.
- That’s what you get for being born a girl to a queen who was expected to give birth to a son. You are a disappointment from the very beginning. No matter what you do it won’t ever be enough, because you don’t have a dick.
- Really?
- Really. All my mother’s family is fucked up like that. One of my aunts put her own daughter in the glass coffin and auctioned her to the highest bidder.
- They live happily ever after, I suppose?
- Last time I’ve heard she tried in turn to feed her daughter an apple full of rat poison, so yeah, she cultivates the tradition.
They sat in silence for a while and watched the dark, oily waves running to the shore of obsidian black sand.
- You threw your heart away - observed the Wolf. - In that sea. You will never get it back. Couldn’t you do it like all the others, an egg in a duck in the middle of a pond on a top of a glass river?
The Fairy looked at her fingernails and sighed.
One after the other the dark, oily waves rolled to the shore of obsidian black sand. Then a fin popped up among them. It came closer to the shore, revealing a sneaky back covered in scales, and then a big green fish on four legs walked to the beach. It stood there, belched, threw up a copper container and clumsily walked to the dunes and disappeared in the shrubs.
The Fairy looked after it in disbelief.
- Hey! - she yelled. - Hey! It’s not fair! It was supposed to stay put forever! How dare you come and mess up my plans, you forgotten link? And how dare you to throw up my heart like that? It’s quite precious, you know!
They looked at the copper container on the beach.
- Fuck - said the Fairy, quite weak. - What now?
- I don’t know - answered the Wolf. - Nobody can accuse you of not trying. It was an honest try, you did your best, it came back. You may as well keep it. May I see it?
- Why? I told you it’s ugly and disgusting, you don’t believe me?
- Sure I do. I’m simply in the mood for some turpism today. 

August 12th, 2017


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